Made To Measure Service

Here at Ajanta Studios we can offer an extensive made-to-measure service across all soft furnishing. Our department manager Jane explains more below:


My name is Jane Kennerell. I have been managing our bespoke soft furnishing department at Ajanta Studios for over 30 years. Our team love working with design and colour and understand how fabrics perform. We aim to achieve the highest quality finish for every client.

Our showroom holds collections from fabric houses of the highest quality who work alongside us. These include Colefax & Fowler, Ian Sanderson, Jane Churchill, Manuel Canovas, Morris, Sanderson, Titley & Marr, Zoffany and Clarke & Clarke.

We work closely with our clients to ensure the items that we produce will give enjoyment for years to come. All of our soft furnishing work is made to measure and hand sewn in our on-site workrooms. Here are some of the wide range of furnishings that we make and supply at Ajanta Studios: Bespoke Curtains, Blinds, Cushions, Pelmets, Bed Valances, Window Seats and Table Cloths.

To support our lovely products we provide a range of quality tracks and poles to suit your particular requirements.

We are specialised soft furnishing makers but if you wish to create your own we are here to help you. We provide all the materials that you will require, plus a full backup service every step of the way.

Please contact me or one of the team on 01548 853318 or email and we will be pleased to help you.

The gallery below features just some of the work we’ve done over the past few months.